
Healthy Eating at Pendle Vale

We encourage healthy eating here at College  and Currently, Lancashire County Catering Services are the provider for breakfast, break and lunch provision at Pendle Vale.


The food provided is sourced locally and includes Halal provision. A free breakfast for all students is served from 8.00am each morning and students can choose items such as toast, crumpets, hot chocolate and juice. Morning break is served in the main dining area and snack items can be purchased from here. At lunchtime, all meals served meet the nutritional standards as prescribed by the Government giving a wide range of options available for all students. 


The menus are changed weekly and run over a three week period.  For further information regarding the meals provided, please contact the College.


At Pendle Vale College we pride ourselves in providing a high quality service with a wide range of options available to all.  The menus undergo a complete revision termly to ensure variety and are displayed daily in the dining areas.  In both the main dining area and cafe, students are offered a meal deal option at a cost £2.30 and for this they can purchase a main hot meal/cold sandwich plus a dessert/drink.


If your student has any specific dietary requirements or any allergies, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Head of Year who will be able to liaise with the Kitchen Manager to ensure that special provision can be made.


Cashless System

Pendle Vale College operates a cashless catering system called Live Register.  Your child’s finger print is taken usually on their first day at the College, and parents top up their child’s account online through Scopay. They will then use the biometric technology at each serving point to pay for their food.  For more information, on how to access SCOPAY please click the link below.


Packed Lunches

If your child wishes to bring a packed lunch the College provides a space for them to eat it.   The following links will help with ideas, information and advice for packed lunches that your child can bring to College: –

Free School Meals

Children of families who are on specific types of benefits or income support may be eligible for Free School Meals. You can find out if your child is eligible and register for free school meals through the local council or via the information below.


Free School Meals



School Meals Application Form



Please contact the College for your unique link code to set up your online payment account.